Come to Now
Come to Now
I was speaking with a client recently who wanted a more relaxed body and also talked about how maybe "it" was anxiety. As they spoke about their body and about possibly having a problem called anxiety, I could see they were holding their body more and more tightly with more and more tension.
They also spoke about their children and different situations in which “maybe my child has a problem”. More holding and tightening.
It occurred to me in the moment to share with this client how the human mind is designed to operate.
"We are designed to operate in the present moment with whatever is going on now. It's very natural to flow with what is happening here and now and to take action for what is going on now. If situations are very intense or life-threatening, we take action or make decisions that get us through, now."
"Where we trip ourselves up is when we go into thought and imagine what might happen in the future or remember what happened in the past."
"We are not designed to do that for very long."
"The system of our mind and body gets overloaded when it's had enough and like a check engine light it gives us the signal of a tense anxious feeling to just...."
"Stop!" Said my client.
They got it straight away. They then had an insight into the nature of life. Their body relaxed, their face softened, and their posture changed. They went on to say "Then you just come to now...Huh...Then there is no problem....and there is nothing else to say."
We both started laughing with the good feelings that were arising naturally when we "came into being now" together.
They could see how there was no reason to go so much into future negative scenarios especially when it was taking them away from being with their children as they are now, today. In this moment.
As they laid down their thinking, I could see the tension evaporate from their body and their love for their children rose up to the forefront.
When we live from how we are designed, mostly living in a flow from what is present now in our individual lives, life gets really, really easy and feels better and better. Love arises. We naturally flow. And there's nothing else to say.
We can live more and more from that easy, loving, flowing naturalness at the core of life. It feels really amazing. Anything that arises can be moved with and through with grace and ease.
With Love,
Sara Joy