The Nature of Insights
The Nature of Insights
Recently, I began asking people "Have you ever had an insight?".
"Yes." Said everyone.
This is interesting to me.
Every single person, from all walks of life, different ages, backgrounds and education levels knew immediately what I was talking about.
The only problem is that the majority of people I spoke to about this didn't recognize the power of insight.
We generally don't know the nature of insights and how they are an inherent human superpower.
Humans, every now and then, have a sight from within. An insight. We all of a sudden just know something or we see our current world from a different perspective. Everything changes in that moment.
It's a moment where we are kicked out of our habitual train of thought or way of being and dumped into a space of clarity and expansion. It feels calm, clear, and good. What we are having an insight about isn't always nice but the feeling of the moment of insight itself is clarity. It's nice.
In the moment of an insight, the deeper part of ourselves comes to the forefront. Sometimes softly and subtly, and other times quite forcibly.
It's generally accompanied by "Ohhhhh!" or "Huh" or "Doh!".
Most of the time we are focused on or concerned with the content of the insight, the actual thing in the world that the insight pertains to. We miss the fact of insight. Or more specifically, the fact that all humans have insight into a deeper aspect of life that takes us out of our normal everyday mode and into a super mode. We literally download new ideas, fresh solutions, and broader perspectives.
"A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience" - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
One transformational coaching client I was working with was so delighted by insights that she started playing "The Insight Game". How many insights can you spot yourself having in a day? She had a lot of fun with it and her whole life changed. Effortlessly.
One of the aspects in my transformational coaching work of the principles behind our experience of life is insight and how to become more attuned to insight. How to operate from that basis so that life becomes an effortless joy.
With Love,
Sara Joy