Life is for the living of it. It's right there for each and every one of us.

It's a glorious, messy, perfectly alive adventure just waiting around the corner. It's a quiet knowing of what's actually possible for you.

There's a felt sense to being alive in your life.

There's excitement in your step. Joy in each unfolding. Each moment holds potential for delight. Colours are brighter. Tastes are more vibrant. Love is deeper.

It's not that every moment will be made of rainbows and flowers. It's about living your full experience of life no matter what comes. We all have good times and bad times. Come what may, you can immerse yourself in the joy of living. Get angry, get stuck in the weeds, get sunburned, get lost and then get found again. Watch the sunsets, smell the roses, eat corndogs on the beach by the pier, and delight in all of it. Over and over again.